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We’re into September now which is a decidedly peculiar time for us here in Cambridge.  In many ways it’s clear that Autumn is upon us.  Yet we’re also still in the summer.  Just another of the quirky little oddities of the city that we at the Varsity Hotel Cambridge have come to see as normal.

The Academic Year

For most places on the planet, the feel of a city and the events that take place are entirely dependent upon the time of year.  Decembers are cold and dark yet dominated by the brightness of the Christmas Season.  Summers are warm with long evenings and outdoor pursuits are easy and fun with little planning required.

But in Cambridge it’s not just the season and its expected weather that effects the feel of the city.  Since the city centre in particular is so small compared to the size and impact of the University, the timing of the Academic Year has a truly profound impact upon the feel of the city.  During the summer the students aren’t here (mostly).  So the city tends to fill up with tourists and language school students.

Usually it all aligns nicely, but September is the anomaly.  The weather tells us that it is truly Autumn.  One look at the trees glowing in hues of golden brown before shedding their leaves tells you that.  But according to the Academic calendar we’re still in summer, for there are no students as of yet.  They’ll be arriving in early October, and will change the feel of the city in an instant.

The Roof Terrace

For us here at the Varsity Hotel, it is similarly a transition time.  Our extremely popular Roof Terrace remains open, of course.  Yet it’s fair to say that people don’t think of it quite as rapidly as they do during the summer.  In the same way that people planning an open air barbeque during July just assume that things will be fine.

It’s true that in September the days are certainly getting shorter and the chance of any given day being nice and warm slowly reduces.  But to offset that the views from the Terrace are arguably even prettier than during July, and the chances of sunburn are much reduced.

Indeed, for poets, dreamers and artists throughout history, Autumn is the best time of the year.  It’s still warm enough to be outside in comfort – neither too hot nor too cold.  The natural views that were simple green foliage and blue sky are now punctuated by the reds, oranges and browns of the trees in change.  The symbolism of the change and decay the season represents showcasing such incredible beauty is always inspiring.

And where can you best see such colour, such change?  From above, of course.  In places like our Roof Terrace