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Each and every summer Cambridge plays host to a number of annual events. Few, however, are as well known, long lasting nor appreciated as the Cambridge Shakespeare Festival, now it its 37th year of operation. For us at the Varsity Hotel Cambridge it remains among our favourite annual events.

Summers of Content?

Summers in Cambridge often feel a little strange. It’s not just that the warm weather gives the city a different feel, allowing venues such as our own Roof Terrace to remain a constant feature of the season. After all, that’s true of most cities and countries. Especially in the more northerly parts of Europe where the temperature difference between the seasons can be stark.

But Cambridge also has a completely different vibe in the summer owing to the absence of students. The academic year ends in glory in June, then the academic summer break lasts for 3 months – July, August & September. Before a new crop of eager young minds descends upon the city in early October.

In other words, Cambridge loses 10-15% of its population over the summer. The numbers being made up of a combination of Language students by their droves and foreign tourists, often arriving in large groups. Naturally this gives the city centre a completely and totally different feel to the rest of the year, and makes many a local feel uneasy.


Or Winter of Discontent?

But in some ways this is made up for by the plethora of events that occur during the summer season. Many of which take advantage of the (presumed) good weather to provide entertainment options simply unavailable elsewhere or during the rest of the year. The most beloved of these has to be the Cambridge Shakespeare Festival. Far from being a matter of slick reboots relying heavily on rewrites and flashy production design, this is Shakespeare at its purist. This is a dedicated group of Thespians wearing period outfits performing their art in the lovely College Gardens.

In other words, a minimalist and highly authentic approach to Shakespeare. Just like in the Bard’s time there are no fancy set designs or lighting rigs. No modern aids, crutches or cheats. All that remains is what Shakespeare had to work with – his words alone. Words to paint the scene in the audience’s imagination. Words to drive the plot. Words to provoke and entertain. Just the words of the greatest wordsmith in the history of the English language.

It truly is a grand celebration of perhaps the greatest playwright in human history. And every venue is within easy walking distance of the Varsity Hotel Cambridge.